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1 min read

The One New Year’s Resolution I Can Help You Keep!

The holidays are upon us!  If your life is anything like mine, it’s a whirlwind of spending time with family and friends, working, shopping, eating too much…everything that makes the holidays the crazy and wonderful time they are.

And it’s that time of year we think about making our New Year’s Resolutions.  Lose weight.  Eat healthier.  Spend more time with family.  Enjoy life more.  Save more.

I’ve made (and broken) just about every resolution there is, and if you’re looking to lose weight, unfortunately, I can’t help.  I can, however, help with one very important resolution.

Get Organized!

On a recent radio show of ours, I offered our Organizer Kit free to every listener who called, and the response was overwhelming, as it is whenever we discuss it.  The Organizer Kit is an incredible tool we’ve been using for years to help our clients get and stay organized in their financial lives.

You may know everything about your financial life…the names of your banks and financial institutions, your account numbers, where you keep your insurance policies, your key advisor names and contact information, but does your spouse know them all?  Do your kids know them all?  If you’re really being honest with yourself, the answer is “Probably Not!”

Our Organizer Kit gives you one central document where you can write and keep all your important financial information so your loved ones can find it quickly and easily.

Believe me, this will be the best resolution you’ve made in years…and one you can easily keep!  

Call us at 877-630-8787 or email us at to ask for our Organizer Kit and we’ll mail one out to you right away.

Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for the New Year